Adventures in Moving

Hey all!

Long time, no talk.

If you had noticed from my instagram page, my family & I moved. Not too far, just down the road. And we are slowly unpacking and making this new home our own.

But one thing we still don't have is the internet! Ahhhhh! It's torture.

Basically, we moved to a slightly more remote area of town. And my new neighborhood just got lines put in for high speed internet. And they keep telling us it will be ready any day...

and we keep waiting....

....and waiting....

...and waiting....

What does that mean?

Well, I have a hot spot that is dedicated to editing, but this poor blog is being neglected.

Let's be honest, I am not the greatest at blogging, but I have SOOO MUCH I want to share with you all. But things are a bit slower unfortunately.

So hopefully "any day" we will get our beloved high speed internet so I can share with you all the most amazing sessions I have been so fortunate to photograph recently.

In the meantime, check out my Instagram page for some of the most recent sneak peaks.

Kate Greenbacker