Meet Kate | Loudoun County Photographer
Since I'm enjoying this (early) Holiday week with my family, I thought it would be fun to do something a little different, and introduce myself.
Photo Credit: Tiffany Farley
Hi! I'm Kate, the face behind Quiet Side Photography.
Here are 10 Facts About Me you Probably Didn't Know (and maybe some you already did):
1. I am originally from New England, and moved to the DC metro area in 2012. I currently live in a small town in Western Loudoun County, and I truly love where I live. The mountains, the farms, the wineries...I love it all. But as much as I love it here, I feel most at home when I return to the rocky coasts of Maine. The majority of my family still lives on Coastal Maine, and I take any chance I can get to get back up there. I love hearing the crashing waves, smelling the salty air, and the muted colors of a foggy day. I feel most like myself, and most at peace when I'm sitting on the rocks next to the ocean.
2. The greatest thing that has ever happened to me was becoming a mother. I have 3 children (2 boys- ages 6 & 4, and a girl who is days away from turning 2). They are my everything. Not every day is easy, 3 young kids without any family nearby and a husband who works long hours and running a business, but they are worth it. So so so so worth it!!!! I can't imagine a day without them.
3. My husband and I met way back in high school. We went to different schools in the same town and had a lot of mutual friends. After school ended, we went our separate ways, and we re-met at a funeral of one of our mutual friends about 6 years later. The rest was history. Fun fact: My mother and step father re-met at a funeral too!
4. I am extremely sentimental. I love traditions and telling/hearing family stories, I love having mementos of my family's history around. My favorite personal items all have stories attach to them.
5. My most prized possessions are my Christmas ornaments. My mother started a tradition when I was born that each year I get a new ornament to open on Christmas Eve. I have continued this tradition with my children too, and pretty soon, we may need to have a second tree. We have a very specific way of wrapping them up each year, so I know what year I received them and by who (if different from my parents). Having the Christmas tree up with a lifetime of memories all over its branches, makes me so happy.
6. Other than Christmas, my other favorite holiday is the 4th of July! Probably because I have always spent it in Bar Harbor, ME with my family. When we were little, my cousins and I always dressed in matching outfits for the parade. And now that we are all 30 somethings- sometimes we still do :) Watching the parade, then having a lobster cookout with all of my extended family, and finishing the day with fireworks, makes my heart sing. I look forward to the 4th each year, and I always get very sad if I can't make it up to Bar Harbor for it. I love sharing this tradition with my children now too.
7. I love The Office! I probably know every line, and yet, it still cracks me up every single time I watch it!
8. I love Lilacs, Azaleas, and Rhododendrons because they remind me of my grandmothers. And I am excited to plant them in my garden in our new home
9. I am introverted. And even writing this blog makes me a little uncomfortable. I am much more comfortable behind the camera then in front of it. But I am trying to put myself more out there and out of my comfort area.
10. I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up. That's a lie, I always knew I wanted to be a mother. It was always my dream. But for work, outside of the home, I really struggled all growing up. Photography kind of fell into my lap. I always had a camera in my hands growing up and I always enjoyed taking pictures. I always loved looking through the family photo albums. I always surrounded myself with framed picture displays of my friends and family. But I never thought of a career in photography. And then I had my first child, and as cliche as it is, that is when my more serious photography journey began. Once I opened my business and developed friendships with other photographers and became part of this amazing community, it really clicked for me. This is where I belong. I love what I do. I love creating beautiful portraits to be cherished by your family for a lifetime. This is what I was meant to do.
So that is me, in a nutshell. And I would love to learn more about you and hopefully one day, photograph your beautiful family!